Another Octave: Connecticut Women’s Chorus
June 24, 2023
Melinda Walwer, artistic director
Kris Montgomery, assistant director
Kris Montgomery, assistant director
Sisters, You Keep Me Fighting
Patty Huntington; arr. Diana Porter w/ additional text by MUSE
Patty Huntington; arr. Diana Porter w/ additional text by MUSE
January 1920, Prohibition begins and the U.S. goes dry …kinda. Public drinking was pushed underground. Impromptu speakeasies moved frequently, keeping ahead of police raids …most of the time. Pushing bars underground actually benefitted gay establishments. We got this.
January 1920, Prohibition begins and the U.S. goes dry …kinda. Public drinking was pushed underground. Impromptu speakeasies moved frequently, keeping ahead of police raids …most of the time. Pushing bars underground actually benefitted gay establishments. We got this.
Hernando's Hideaway
Jerry Ross & Richard Adler; arr. Kirby Shaw
dancers: Carol Gale & Chandra Rivers
Jerry Ross & Richard Adler; arr. Kirby Shaw
dancers: Carol Gale & Chandra Rivers
Audience Participation!
Everyone read aloud. Ready… GO!
1965 – GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT: The right to buy and/or use contraception
2003 – LAWRENCE v. TEXAS: The right to privacy in consensual, adult sexual activity
2015 – OBERGEFELL v. HODGES: The right to same-sex marriage
“In future cases, we should reconsider all of the Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.” - Hon. Clarence Thomas, June 2022OBERGEFELL was based on 1967 – LOVING: The right to interracial marriage. Isn’t it adorable that he doesn’t think they will come for him, too…
Everyone read aloud. Ready… GO!
1965 – GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT: The right to buy and/or use contraception
2003 – LAWRENCE v. TEXAS: The right to privacy in consensual, adult sexual activity
2015 – OBERGEFELL v. HODGES: The right to same-sex marriage
“In future cases, we should reconsider all of the Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.” - Hon. Clarence Thomas, June 2022OBERGEFELL was based on 1967 – LOVING: The right to interracial marriage. Isn’t it adorable that he doesn’t think they will come for him, too…
City Hall
Vienna Teng; arr. David Beattie
Emily Stagg with Erica Champion & Amy Eppler-Epstein
Vienna Teng; arr. David Beattie
Emily Stagg with Erica Champion & Amy Eppler-Epstein
February & March 2004, San Francisco: Officials issue marriage licenses to approximately 4,000 same-sex couples even though it was illegal to do so. Couples came from the world over.
WE GOT ISSUES: #2 The Right to Choose
1964: 28-year-old woman found dead in CT hotel room …the result of an illegal abortion. She died alone and in pain. Published later, crime scene photos galvanized the nation. It became known that she was running from an abusive relationship. For her, abortion meant freedom. It cost her her life …and fueled a revolution. She is our sister.
1964: 28-year-old woman found dead in CT hotel room …the result of an illegal abortion. She died alone and in pain. Published later, crime scene photos galvanized the nation. It became known that she was running from an abusive relationship. For her, abortion meant freedom. It cost her her life …and fueled a revolution. She is our sister.
Why Oh Why
Holly Near; arr. Joan Szymko
Soloists: Kathie Cote, Anne Harrigan, Mindy Walwer, Nancy Welsch
Holly Near; arr. Joan Szymko
Soloists: Kathie Cote, Anne Harrigan, Mindy Walwer, Nancy Welsch
WE GOT ISSUES: #3 Immigration
Read by a chorus member:
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”
September 11, 2001: The World Trade Center had a massive informal economy . . . and an army of casual workers. Many of these casual workers were undocumented immigrants. Calculating their numbers is simply impossible. To receive aid, families had to provide evidence of employment, i.e. documentation.
How do you prove the existence of a person who deliberately stayed hidden from the system?
And what would happen to these families if they asked for aid?
Read by a chorus member:
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”
September 11, 2001: The World Trade Center had a massive informal economy . . . and an army of casual workers. Many of these casual workers were undocumented immigrants. Calculating their numbers is simply impossible. To receive aid, families had to provide evidence of employment, i.e. documentation.
How do you prove the existence of a person who deliberately stayed hidden from the system?
And what would happen to these families if they asked for aid?
If I Give Your Name
Pat Humphries & Sandy Opatow; arr. Leora Zimmer & The AO Staff
Carol Gale - guitar & Amy Eppler-Epstein - flute
Pat Humphries & Sandy Opatow; arr. Leora Zimmer & The AO Staff
Carol Gale - guitar & Amy Eppler-Epstein - flute
WE GOT ISSUES: #4 Black Lives Matter
10 of Thousands:
10 of Thousands:
- Ferguson, MO – Michael Brown
Hands up, surrendering. Shot 6 times. - Brunswick, GA – Ahmaud Arbery
- Sanford, FL – Trayvon Martin
Each shot and killed by neighborhood “watch.” Trayvon held a bag of Skittles. - St. Paul, MN – Philando Castile
Traffic stop, advised officer he was licensed to carry. Killed in front of his girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter. - New York, NY – Amadou Dialo
Entering his building, unarmed. Reaching for wallet. Shot 41 times. - W. Memphis, AR – DeAunta Farrow
- Cleveland, OH – Tamir Rice
Each 12-year-old boy was outside playing with a toy gun. - Minneapolis, MN – George Floyd
Arresting officer knelt on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. “I can’t breathe.” - Louisville,KY – Breonna Taylor
Killed during a “no knock” raid. She was asleep in her bed. - Dallas TX – Botham Jean
Off-duty officer entered his apartment, shot and killed him. She thought it was her own apartment. He was sitting on his couch eating ice cream.
Into the Daybreak (Still I Rise)
Maya Angelou, Carmel Dean arr. Another Octave: Connecticut Women’s Chorus Staff
Maya Angelou, Carmel Dean arr. Another Octave: Connecticut Women’s Chorus Staff
WE GOT ISSUES: #5 Polarization
Why can’t the U.S. government come to a consensus about these issues?
Refer to visual: “Polarization of votes in U.S. Congress between 1949 and 2013,”Business Insider
Dots = Individual Representatives
Lines = dialogue between Representative
Why can’t the U.S. government come to a consensus about these issues?
Refer to visual: “Polarization of votes in U.S. Congress between 1949 and 2013,”Business Insider
Dots = Individual Representatives
Lines = dialogue between Representative
WE GOT ISSUES: #6 Gun Control
8 of Thousands
Officer: “Why?”
Shooter, age 16: “I don’t like Mondays.”
8 of Thousands
- 6 May 1940 – South Pasadena, CA: 5 victims
- 1 April 1966 – Austin, TX: 18 victims
- 12 July 1976 – Fullerton, CA: 7 victims
- 29 January 1979 – San Diego, CA: 2 victims
- 20 April 1999 – Columbine, CO; 15 victims
- 16 April 2007 – Blacksburg, VA: 32 victims
- 14 February 2018 – Parkland, FL: 17 victims
- 24 May 2022 – Uvalde, TX: 27 victims
Officer: “Why?”
Shooter, age 16: “I don’t like Mondays.”
i don’t like Mondays
Bob Geldof, Johnnie Fingers; arr. Jetse Bremer
For the fallen at Sandy Hook Elementary School: December 14, 2012
Bob Geldof, Johnnie Fingers; arr. Jetse Bremer
For the fallen at Sandy Hook Elementary School: December 14, 2012
WE GOT ISSUES: #7 Environment
Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does
to the web, he does to himself. All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree,
the man. – Chief Seattle
It’s been awhile since we had a little Audience Participation!
Read aloud, again. Ready… GO!
December 2019: Greta Thunberg is named Time magazine’s Person of the Year for her environmental work. Not quite surprisingly, President Trump mocks her. “So ridiculous! Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!” [all sic]
Greta responds by changing her profile to: “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned [sic] movie with a friend.”
2020 Presidential election, President Trump tweets, “STOP THE COUNT!” Thunberg comments.
“So ridiculous! Donald must work on his anger management problem, then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill!”
Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does
to the web, he does to himself. All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree,
the man. – Chief Seattle
It’s been awhile since we had a little Audience Participation!
Read aloud, again. Ready… GO!
December 2019: Greta Thunberg is named Time magazine’s Person of the Year for her environmental work. Not quite surprisingly, President Trump mocks her. “So ridiculous! Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!” [all sic]
Greta responds by changing her profile to: “A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned [sic] movie with a friend.”
2020 Presidential election, President Trump tweets, “STOP THE COUNT!” Thunberg comments.
“So ridiculous! Donald must work on his anger management problem, then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill!”
Why Am I Painting the Living Room?
Lou & Peter Berryman: arr. Jane Ramseyer Miller
Lou & Peter Berryman: arr. Jane Ramseyer Miller
So, as you can see, WE GOT ISSUES
BUT! We are making a difference! If we each do ONE thing, and find others to do the same, we CAN make a difference!
Ya see? WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! And it may seem OVERWHELMING, but you are not alone. We are in this together! And remember, when life bites you in the <ahem>, we are here for each other.
Audience Participation!
Read aloud, one more time. Ready… GO!
“I am here for you.”
Now, think of someone who needs to hear that… it might be you.
Now, say it again with feeling. “I am here for you.”
No matter what, we got you.
So, as you can see, WE GOT ISSUES
BUT! We are making a difference! If we each do ONE thing, and find others to do the same, we CAN make a difference!
Ya see? WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! And it may seem OVERWHELMING, but you are not alone. We are in this together! And remember, when life bites you in the <ahem>, we are here for each other.
Audience Participation!
Read aloud, one more time. Ready… GO!
“I am here for you.”
Now, think of someone who needs to hear that… it might be you.
Now, say it again with feeling. “I am here for you.”
No matter what, we got you.
You Will Be Found
Ben Pasek & Justin Paul; arr. Mac Huff
soloists: Emily Stagg & Denise Laframboise
Ben Pasek & Justin Paul; arr. Mac Huff
soloists: Emily Stagg & Denise Laframboise
Another Octave: Connecticut Women’s Chorus
June 24, 2023
Melinda Walwer, artistic director
Kris Montgomery, assistant director
Kris Montgomery, assistant director
This presentation:
Melinda Walwer, editor & creator
Kris Montgomery, writer
Erica Champion, editor
Rhea Hirshman, contributing writer
Kathie Cote, photo manipulation
Gianluca Ragazzini, mentor & inspiration
Melinda Walwer, editor & creator
Kris Montgomery, writer
Erica Champion, editor
Rhea Hirshman, contributing writer
Kathie Cote, photo manipulation
Gianluca Ragazzini, mentor & inspiration
AO:CWC wishes to thank…
Friends of AO:CWC
The AO Band:
Polina Mann – piano
Carol Gale – guitar
Amy Eppler-Epstein – flute
Audio/Visual guru:
Barb Conover Curry
Sound technician:
Practice tracks:
Kris Montgomery, sound board engineer
…and all who contributed voices: Andrea Barley, Erica Champion, Kris Montgomery, Lydia Smith-Franks, Emily Stagg, Mindy Walwer
Dropbox guru: Erica Champion
AO staff writers:
Erica Champion, Rhea Hirshman, Kris Montgomery, Melinda Walwer
…and our diligent proofreaders
AO media moguls:
Rhea Hirshman, Erica Champion, Gina Juliano, Karen Kriner, Melinda Walwer, Carol Walter
Our AO Board of Directors:
Charisse Hutton, chair
Amy Weiss, vice-chair
Freddi Lindsay, treasurer
Judy Lhamon, secretary & general dogsbody
Karen Kriner, publicity coordinator
…and other members-at-large – Ken Hudson, Kiyoko Karwowski, Joan Krogh, Carol Walter
Thank you to all music copyright holders
Another Octave: Connecticut Women’s Chorus is a member of ASCAP, BMI, and is registered with Tresóna.
Friends of AO:CWC
The AO Band:
Polina Mann – piano
Carol Gale – guitar
Amy Eppler-Epstein – flute
Audio/Visual guru:
Barb Conover Curry
Sound technician:
Practice tracks:
Kris Montgomery, sound board engineer
…and all who contributed voices: Andrea Barley, Erica Champion, Kris Montgomery, Lydia Smith-Franks, Emily Stagg, Mindy Walwer
Dropbox guru: Erica Champion
AO staff writers:
Erica Champion, Rhea Hirshman, Kris Montgomery, Melinda Walwer
…and our diligent proofreaders
AO media moguls:
Rhea Hirshman, Erica Champion, Gina Juliano, Karen Kriner, Melinda Walwer, Carol Walter
Our AO Board of Directors:
Charisse Hutton, chair
Amy Weiss, vice-chair
Freddi Lindsay, treasurer
Judy Lhamon, secretary & general dogsbody
Karen Kriner, publicity coordinator
…and other members-at-large – Ken Hudson, Kiyoko Karwowski, Joan Krogh, Carol Walter
Thank you to all music copyright holders
Another Octave: Connecticut Women’s Chorus is a member of ASCAP, BMI, and is registered with Tresóna.
Media references
Tone Cluster – quite a queer choir, Ottawa, Ontario, CA
ABC News
Amnesty International
Bay Area Reporter
BBC News
Boston American
Business Insider
CBS News
Doctors Without Borders
Forests Ontario
Grace Fellowship Of South Forsyth
Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven
Harper’s BAZAAR
Hidden Treasures Adoption Center
Los Angeles Times
National Education Association
NBC News
Northwest Public Broadcasting
New York Post
Pew Research Center
Reproductive Health Matters
Slate Magazine
Spectrum News
Tetra Tech
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Boston Globe
The Compass
The Daily Telegraph
The Gazette
The Hill
The Humane Society of the United States
The Nature Conservancy
The New York Times
The Northern Echo
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
The West Volusia Beacon
The Seattle Daily Times
The Village Voice
UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
USA Today
Vermont Youth Conservation Corp
World Wildlife Fund
Worth Point.com
YES! Magazine
Tone Cluster – quite a queer choir, Ottawa, Ontario, CA
ABC News
Amnesty International
Bay Area Reporter
BBC News
Boston American
Business Insider
CBS News
Doctors Without Borders
Forests Ontario
Grace Fellowship Of South Forsyth
Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven
Harper’s BAZAAR
Hidden Treasures Adoption Center
Los Angeles Times
National Education Association
NBC News
Northwest Public Broadcasting
New York Post
Pew Research Center
Reproductive Health Matters
Slate Magazine
Spectrum News
Tetra Tech
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Boston Globe
The Compass
The Daily Telegraph
The Gazette
The Hill
The Humane Society of the United States
The Nature Conservancy
The New York Times
The Northern Echo
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
The West Volusia Beacon
The Seattle Daily Times
The Village Voice
UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
USA Today
Vermont Youth Conservation Corp
World Wildlife Fund
Worth Point.com
YES! Magazine
Another Octave